Today is Wednesday, 05 February 2025   
Profile of the Patient Participation Group

The Ferry Road Health Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) was formed in August 2000.

It was decided that as the existing Patient Participation Group is extremely pro-active the surgery would use them for the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service (DES) instead of developing another Patient Reference Group or virtual Patient Participation Group.

The current PPG is not reflective or representative of the practice population, this is despite active efforts to encourage new members.

The PPG has nine members (1 male and eight females). All members of the group are white.

PPG Age profile 1 member
1 member
3 members
4 member
55-65 years
65-70 years
71-75 years

Surgery Age profile U18
The Practice and PPG have endeavoured to attract new members and have targeted specific patients in under represented groups by personally inviting patients, sending e-mails and displaying posters. All new patients joining the practice are given information about the PPG and how they can join in their new patient pack and letter.
About the surgery
The surgery opening times are:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm
The surgery also offers extended opening on Saturday morning with appointments starting at 8:00a.m.
About the survey

Surgery staff met with the PPG to discuss how the survey would run and priorities set as to what questions should be included in the local practice survey.

The survey was conducted over a week long period in January.  Members of the PPG distributed the survey, helped with queries and where on hand

to answer any questions.

165 questionnaires were completed – representing 5% of the practice list size.
Ages of patients completing the questionnaire were:
  Under 25
85 and over
Ethnicity of patients completing questionnaire:
Mixed British
Did not say
The Practice analysed the survey to pinpoint areas where we did well, to see where improvements might be needed and to see if patient’s expectations were being met.
A summary of the results can be seen here.
The Results/Action Plan

A meeting was held between the GPs, surgery staff and representatives of the PPG on Thursday 27th February 2014.

The PPG said that yet again they were pleased not to have anything major to address and that the patients had been a “happy bunch”.

It was acknowledged that some patients find it difficult to ring the surgery at 8:30 for “on the day” appointments.  The surgery will look at increasing the number of pre-bookable appointments available.  Patients can also book appointments online.

The PPG reported that although not mentioned in the questionnaire the most are of concern had been issues around parking at the surgery.  

Action - The PPG have offered to monitor the car park to see what problems are encountered and report back to the surgery to see what action can be taken and if there are any solutions.

A question in the survey was concerning surgery opening times.  This showed that patients would favour additional later surgeries. 

Action - The surgery to pilot evening surgeries. To start in April/May.

It was positive to see that over 85% of patients answered that the Reception desk was manned when they attended for their appointment and did not have to wait to speak to the Receptionist.  The Practice acknowledge that at times patients may have to wait to speak to the Receptionist or there is a delay in answering the telephone.  The Practice to look at having a member of staff “floating” to provide extra cover during busy periods.

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01424 730077
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01797 224499
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01424 420801
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01797 222308
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01797 222241
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01797 227722
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0845 6010664
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01323 738390
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01424 850792
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