Today is Wednesday, 05 February 2025   
Minor Illness Clinic (Nurse Practitioner)
  • Sore throats / earaches
  • Coughs/chest infections
  • Asthma attacks
  • Skin rashes
  • Pain advice
  • Minor injuries
  • Stings and bites
  • Fungal infections
  • Cold sores
  • Diarrohoea and vomiting
  • Emergency contraception
  • Thrush/swabs
  • Back problems
  • Eye problems
Antenatal Clinics
The Antenatal Clinic is held every Tuesday. Appointments should be made via Reception.
Immunisation/Vaccination Clinics
By appointment with the practice nurse.
Minor Surgery
Minor Surgery (under local anaesthetic) is carried out on a Thursday afternoon, by appointment. Cryo Clinics for the treatment of warts and verrucas are also available.
Asthma, Diabetes and CHD Clinics
Specific clinics are run by the Practice Nurse and Doctor for the management of Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic Health Disease. The aim is to improve the control of these conditions by giving people a better understanding of the condition and its management.
Well Woman Clinics
All our female patients between the ages of 25 and 45 are advised tio have a smear test every three years. Over 45s are advised to have one every five years. Appointments are available with our Practice Nurse or at the Station Plaza Clinic (01424 464750).
Health Promotion Clinics
These are available to all our patients and include advice on heart disease preventions, blood pressure checks, stopping smoking, alchohol, diet and the importance of the correct exercise and weight control, by appointment with the Nurse.
Patients between 16 and 74 years of age are welcome to make an appointment for a general health check, if they have not been seen for 3 years or more. Patients over 75 years of age are welcome to make appointments once a year for a health check, if they have not been seen at the surgery for any other reason during the last 12 months.
Community Mental Health Team
Are based at Battle Health Centre - 01424 776555.
Private Patients
We welcome private patients. However, we are not allowed to treat our NHS patients privately as per our terms of service.
Private Medicals/Non-NHS Examinations
Doctors undertake private medical examinations for insurance companies, HGV medicals, pre-employment medicals etc. You do not have to be registered with the Practice. When telephoning to arrange the appouintment, the Receptionist will advise you of the appropriate fee.
The Doctor can provide private sick notes, holiday cancellation letters, sign passport photographs. A nominal fee for these services is applicable.
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The surgery has a very active PPG who run informative events throughout the year. It acts as a means for patients to express opinions about the Practice and is involved in fund raising for specialist equipment for the benefit of patients. For more details please contact Jo Maynard, via the Surgery, or click here.
Primary Care Trust
The Practice is part of the NHS Hastings & Rother. Their address is Bexhill Hospital, Holliers Hill, Bexhill, TN40 2DZ. Telephone: 01414 735600.
  Conquest Hospital
01424 755255
  Bexhill Hospital
01424 730077
  Rye Memorial Care Centre
01797 224499
  Ore Clinic
01424 420801
  Boots Chemist
01797 222308
  Day Lewis
01797 222241
  Rye & Dist.Comm. Trans.
01797 227722
  Social Services
0845 6010664
  Care for the Carers
01323 738390
  Cruse Bereavement Care
01424 850792
  Out of Hours
  NHS Hastings and Rother CCG
01424 735600
  Health Visitors/School Nurse
01797 222640
  © Ferry Road Health Centre 2011 - 2025. All Rights Reserved.