Today is Wednesday, 24 April 2024   
If you are in our Practice area you are most welcome to register with our Practice. Registration Forms need to be completed for every patient wishing to register and proof of identification given to the Receptionist at the time of registration (i.e. birth certificate, passport, medical card). You will also need to know your NHS number. This can be obtained from your previous GP.

You can download PDF versions of our Regsitration Forms by clicking on the relevant icon below. These forms are in the Adobe PDF format - you can download Adobe Reader for free by clicking here.
New Patient Form
New Patient Form
New Patient Form
Under 18
How you, the Patient, can help us
• By treating the Doctors and staff in a courteous and polite manner
• By arriving for your appointment on time. If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that your appointment can be passed on to another patient.
• Please remember an appointment is only made for one person. If you bring family members with you who also require medical attention this will delay the doctor, resulting in other patients waiting longer forn their consultation.
• If you feel you need a longer appojntment than the one allocated (10 minutes) please tell the Receptionist so that they can accomodate your needs.
• When making appointments following tests, Consultant appointments etc. please check with the Receptionist when making the appointment that the results/letters have been received so that you, the patient, and the Doctor do not have a wasted consultation.
Comments, Suggestions and Complaints
Should you have any comments or suggestions that concern the running of the Practice, please feel free to use our suggestions box in the waiting room. This is totally anonymous and your views count and can make all the difference.

Should you have a complaint with regard to the Practice you should, in the first instance, contact the Practice Manager. The complaint can then be dealt with accordingly.
  Conquest Hospital
01424 755255
  Bexhill Hospital
01424 730077
  Rye Memorial Care Centre
01797 224499
  Ore Clinic
01424 420801
  Boots Chemist
01797 222308
  Day Lewis
01797 222241
  Rye & Dist.Comm. Trans.
01797 227722
  Social Services
0845 6010664
  Care for the Carers
01323 738390
  Cruse Bereavement Care
01424 850792
  Out of Hours
  NHS Hastings and Rother CCG
01424 735600
  Health Visitors/School Nurse
01797 222640
  © Ferry Road Health Centre 2011 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.