Today is Wednesday, 05 February 2025   
Access to Patient Records
Our Practice confidentiality policy is strictly adhered to as laid down in the Data Protection Act. Patients have a right to access their medical records on application in writing to the Practice Manager according to the procedure set down in the Act. Patients will be asked for writen consent before their personal information is used in ways that do not directly contribute to, or support the delivery of, their medical care. Patients' decision to restrict the disclosure of their personal information will be respected.
Computers & Information
The Practice uses a computer system to store your medical records/history. We also send some details by computer link to the Strategic Health Authority's office in Lewes. Only your personal details, as appear on your medical card (name, address, NHS number) are currently transferred. In line with the National Programme for Information Technology, all GP's will eventually transfer clinical information to a central computer with access limited to medical and other care services. If you are not happy with your information being sent in this way you must let us know in writing. The Data Protection act requires that you aware of this.
Home Visits
If you feel you need a home visit please try to telephone the surgery before 10.30a.m. to give us time to organise our day's schedule.
Emergency 'Out of Hours' Treatment
For out of hours emergencies please telephone Rye (01797) 223230. Alternatively, advice is available from Out of Hours 111.

If you are confronted by a serious problem, such as severe chest pains, severe bleeding, severe breathing difficulties or collapse, call an ambulance (999) before calling the surgery.
Child Health
Six week checks are carried out by the Doctor and Health Visitor. Further child development assessments are carried out by the Health Visitors. Appointments are sent through the post.
Disabled Patients
Our premises provide easy access for the disabled, including those with wheelchairs and reserved disabled parking spaces
Influenza Vaccination
In October every year we ask all patients over the age of 65, or patients with a history of chronic illness, to have a flu vaccination.

If you are over 60 or are 'at risk' you are also elligible to have a pneumonia vaccination. If you are unsure please ask at Reception.
Enquiries for Results of Tests
Telephone calls or personal enquiries for results are best made after 2.00p.m. when the staff have more time to help.
Patient Comments and Suggestions
There is a patient suggestion box in our Waiting Room for the collection of patient's comments and suggestions in connection with our Practice.
Violent and Abusive Patients
The Practice supports the Government's NHS zero tolerance zone campaign. GP's and their staff have the right to care for others withiout the fear of being attacked or abused. Violent patients will be reported to the Police and struck off the GP's list.
Change of Personal Details
If you change your name, address or telephone number, please give full details to the Receptionist.
121 Emergency Contraception
We offer the 121 service which is an anonymous emergency contraception appointment for women. Appointments will be offered on the same day and you do not need to be a registered patient with the practice to be seen.
  Conquest Hospital
01424 755255
  Bexhill Hospital
01424 730077
  Rye Memorial Care Centre
01797 224499
  Ore Clinic
01424 420801
  Boots Chemist
01797 222308
  Day Lewis
01797 222241
  Rye & Dist.Comm. Trans.
01797 227722
  Social Services
0845 6010664
  Care for the Carers
01323 738390
  Cruse Bereavement Care
01424 850792
  Out of Hours
  NHS Hastings and Rother CCG
01424 735600
  Health Visitors/School Nurse
01797 222640
  © Ferry Road Health Centre 2011 - 2025. All Rights Reserved.