Today is Wednesday, 05 February 2025   
Emergency 'Out of Hours' Treatment  
For out of hours emergencies please telephone 111.

If you are confronted by a serious problem, such as severe chest pains, severe bleeding, severe breathing difficulties or collapse, call an ambulance (999) before calling the surgery.
121 Emergency Contraception  
We offer the 121 service which is an anonymous emergency contraception appointment for women. Appointments will be offered on the same day and you do not need to be a registered patient with the practice to be seen.
  Conquest Hospital
01424 755255
  Bexhill Hospital
01424 730077
  Rye Memorial Care Centre
01797 224499
  Ore Clinic
01424 420801
  Boots Chemist
01797 222308
  Day Lewis
01797 222241
  Rye & Dist.Comm. Trans.
01797 227722
  Social Services
0845 6010664
  Care for the Carers
01323 738390
  Cruse Bereavement Care
01424 850792
  Out of Hours
  NHS Hastings and Rother CCG
01424 735600
  Health Visitors/School Nurse
01797 222640
  © Ferry Road Health Centre 2011 - 2025. All Rights Reserved.